Blog #3
spring break, I went without social media and the internet for a day. And it
was hard. To start, I never thought that I relied on my phone nearly as much as
I apparently do. While I do not actively post on social media and am admittedly
more of a “lurker”, I still use it a lot more than I realized. The start of my
day without social media was not that bad, but I definitely noticed it’s
absence more and more throughout the day. In the morning after my alarm goes
off, I normally sit for a little bit and scroll through my social medias such
as Instagram and TikTok before I actually decide to get out of bed. Since I did
this over spring break and was at the beach, this was not that bad as I just
woke up and talked to my friends that were there with me. Eating time was when
I started to notice it’s absence though. In the past two months I have started
tracking my calories via an app called Lifesum and since I was trying to go
without my phone for the day I tried not to use it.

While I
was around a lot of people on my spring break trip, I still noticed how often people
use their phones even when they’re around one another. It was incredibly common
for us to all be hanging out and someone would go on their phone, which would
start a chain reaction of everyone else in the room going on their phones as
well. This would not have been that weird if I also had my phone, but since I
was trying to go without it for a day I ended up just sitting there in silence.
Not only that, but I realized that a lot of our conversations revolve around
the media that we’re seeing through our technology. There were sometimes when
my friends would bring something up that was happening on social media, which.
I had no idea about.

instance that was continuously weird throughout my day was with how little
communication I felt I was having with my friends who weren’t there physically
with me. It is very common that throughout our days we are constantly talking
or messaging people on social media, and not being able to have that line of
communication felt extremely weird. I use snapchat a lot to talk to my friends
who are other colleges, and not being able to send them things throughout the
day was a little unnerving. I was constantly wondering what my friends were
doing throughout their day and felt weird that I was not sharing my day with
them as well. At one point in the day something funny happened and I went to
grab my phone to share the experience with my friends but quickly had to stop
myself. This made me realize how much we are constantly sharing with one
another, whether or not we even realize it in the moment.

the day of not using my phone I realized how much we rely on our technology as
a society. Before trying this for a day I thought that I did not rely on my
phone and thought that I could easily go without it for a day, but boy was I
wrong. I think that our phones act as a security blanket for a lot of us and
help us get through the day. While I think at one point we could have been
without them, I think that our technology and social media is extremely
engrained in our society and I think it’ll only keep getting that way as time
goes on. After this experiment I am going to try and be more proactive and
mindful about my social media consumption and technology usage throughout my
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