Ryan Chriscoe Blog 3
So over the course of the next twenty-four hours beginning on February 15 at 8 pm, I am going to observe my screen time from this time until 8pm on February 16. So the first thing that I put my eyes on in my screen time is my laptop. At 8pm I immediately after getting ready for the night hopped into my bed and turned on the most infamous time passer of them all Netflix. In this from about 8pm to until 10:30pm I am watching Netflix but I am also checking the occasional text message which I would not classify as a very time worthy aspect of my screen time from 8pm to 10:30pm since that was primarily dominated by Netflix and the screen time of the phone was a secondary source of screen time in this case. But at about 10:30pm was when I transitioned over to my social media platforms on my phone and thus allowing it to become the primary source of screen time until 11pm. In that thirty-minute window, I checked almost all of my social media platforms. I briefly glanced over my LinkedIn account, then transitioned to twitter which is my lease used social media, and after those I checked my Instagram and my snapchat which these two would be very closely tied for which one is my most used platform. Then after that I go to sleep and I wake up the next morning and I check my phone which accumulates a screen time of about 10-15 minutes from 9am to 9:15am. But then after that I am off the screen completely until about 9:50 of which then I am walking to class so it is just another time that I find myself checking my phone and browsing all of my current social
media sites that I actively participate on.
Then the next time of screen time that I will view is from that of a projector in my leadership lecture class. In this time frame from about 10 to 10:50 my eyes are completely glued to a white screen hanging from the ceiling. This tool while yes it has become to crucial to how teachers have begging to teach in the classroom, it also has dominated students in the classroom by having to focus their eyes on another screen. With all of time being dominated to a computer screen and to a projector.
Then after my classes conclude at 2 pm I then go to the library which is just another place that I find myself burying myself into a device and just making that screen time grow substantially. During this time my eyes are constantly bouncing between laptop and phone just working on school assignments and then checking the occasional ding and ping on phone just wanting to stay connected to as much as I possibly can. With my time in the library being glued between one device to the next device it comes to find that my screen time is something that just seems to be from one minute to the next just constantly looking at something and then turning my attention directly from one screen to the next. And then after leaving the library around like 6 pm, I just find myself constantly looking at my phone while I walk to dinner, and even on my
walk home from dinner. My face just seems to be glued to some screen, and even after dinner my screen time just continues to grow and increase throughout the 24-hour period. After a long day and finally being able to just relax at about 8pm, I find myself scrolling thought my social media platforms, and having my tv on in the background just for some noise, and then after checking my social media I begin to look at like online shopping. Just using another platform that adds to my screen time, before heading off to bed.
In observing and documenting my screen time over the last twenty-four-hour period I have become quite disturbed with myself to know that so much of my life is spent looking at a screen and looking at certain platforms. It really has made be become observant of how much other stuff is occurring around me in the world but because myself and so many others are so drawn into our devices and getting our screen time in we are missing so much great stuff that is happening around us and to be quite frank our lives are just passing us by while we are consumed with devices and looking at our screens and not doing anything besides tweeting, texting and calling. Our day to day routines in America have become so dependent on a screen, with having to do almost all work on a screen and even having to learn. The world that we live in know is dependent on our screen time and to be quite frank so is our success now in our society. But from this I want to become more observant of stuff and the moments that are occurring around me I no longer want to miss out on.