Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Kyle Stock Blog 1

The social media platforms I use are: Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube, Whatsapp, and Tik Tok. I use each one differently. My usage ranking among these social media platforms are number 1 is Instagram, number 2 is Snapchat, number 3 is twitter, number 4 is youtube, number 5 is Tik Tok, number 6 is LinkedIn, number 7 is Facebook and number 8 is Whatsapp.

I use Instagram to post pictures to show what I am up to, I don’t post very often to my feed but I do add pretty much daily to my story on Instagram. Pictures I usually post on Instagram are if I am doing something eventful such as if I am traveling or on vacation or if it is one of my friend’s birthdays. I took a whole semester break from all social media first semester and deleted my Instagram, It was actually very refreshing and positive for my mental health 100%. I would catch myself just second nature pulling up Instagram like muscle memory even after I had just been on it for five minutes and had seen my whole feed. The break from social media as a whole was very rejuvenating and I plan to do it again in the near future. The other uses of Instagram for me are posting to my stories, which I use much more than posting to my main page and feed. I post anything from old pictures to inspirational quotes to posts from the explore page. This feature is much more interactive and I have people who respond to my stories much more than people comment on my pictures I post to my main feed.

The second-ranking for usage among my social media platforms is Snapchat, I treat it like texting essentially and only actually text on my phone if it is about something important.

The third social media platform I use the most is Twitter, you can tweet, retweet, like and quote tweets. I barely used twitter last semester but my usage has increased dramatically due to this class. I use it to tweet every weekday for this class and to retweet 10 tweets from my classmates. Twitter is actually one of my least favorite social media platforms but it is third in my personal usage because of this class!

My fourth most used social media platform is Youtube! I use youtube to find how-to videos mostly, but I also use youtube to listen to motivational videos to workout too. I listen to people like the Rock, Les brown, Arnold, and Ziggy Johnson. It helps me get a quality workout in always.

The next social media platform In my usage ranking is Tik Tok, I use Tik Tok for straight comedy and entertainment purposes. People create short videos and post them and the ones on my feed are usually a straight comedy. I used Tik Tok for a few days and the amount of time I spent on it was very scary. It is a very easy social media platform to use to procrastinate so I stopped using it after I saw how negatively it would impact my school work.

The next social media platform in my usage rankings is LinkedIn. This social media platform is strictly for professional use. It is a place where employers can search for employees and everything about the platform is very professional. I used my career fair professional headshot as my profile picture and my bio is all of my information like phone number, my email. I also have my college that I attend and my graduation year, my major, and my professional resume is attached to my profile as well.

 The second to last social media platform that I use is Facebook, I use it strictly to keep in touch with family members. The last on my list is a social media platform called WhatsApp which is a texting app that uses wifi, I used it to keep in touch with the people who I spent my cruise with to make plans and figure out where everyone was. Overall my usage of social media isn’t too high and I am looking forward to going on another complete social media break in the near future.

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