In today’s day and age, it’s difficult for people to “unplug” from technology and social media. Personally, I think that I could do a 24 hour “cleanse” without social media, but I could not last if it involved technology. Considering that four out of the five classes I’m taking this semester all involve PowerPoint lectures and not discussion-based lectures, I would find this very difficult to do. Also, I would find this even more difficult because I wouldn’t be able to get information from my coach regarding the plans for the week, such as practice times and departure times for away games. Instead, for this blog assignment, I decided to monitor my screen time for 24 hours.
I decided to monitor my screen time on Monday, February 24th since I had most of my classes that day and practice in the afternoon, which is a pretty typical day for me. I woke up at 7:30 in the morning, and immediately checked my phone until about 7:50am. I went through Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat first, and then went through my emails to make sure I didn’t miss any announcements about class. After this, I got out of bed and started to look for a podcast to listen to while I was getting ready for class.
I left my dorm room around 8:45am and listened to music on my way to class for about 10 minutes. For my first class of the day, we normally have PowerPoint notes, but we watched a movie instead, so I was staring at a screen for the entire 50 minutes of class. After class, I normally go back to my room to finish up homework for my 11am class. For that day, I had finished my homework the night before, so I had some free time. From 10:05am until 10:38am I sat at my desk and watched Netflix while I was eating breakfast. While walking to my 11am class, I checked social media from 10:45am until 10:55am. My 11am class has a strict no technology policy and all of our lectures are class discussions, so I didn’t pick up my phone again until 12pm.
After class, I went to our locker room to change so I could go see our athletic trainer to get my physical therapy done. While I was doing physical therapy, I was on Tik Tok for about 20 minutes just to pass the time. After this, I got back to my room at 1:05pm and did homework on my laptop from 1:10pm until 1:40pm.
My last class of the day is my business class at 2pm. For this class, all of our lectures are through PowerPoint slides. Not only will I be staring at a screen for the entire class, I also take notes for this class on my laptop, so I often feel like I’m staring at screens for double the amount of time. We took notes from 2:10pm to 2:50pm. After class, I immediately go back to our locker room because I have practice right after class. We’re not allowed to have our phones out during practice, so I had a little bit of a break from 3pm until 6pm.
After practice, I immediately checked my phone for about 10 minutes while walking back to our locker room. Typically, I listen a podcast or listen to music while walking back to my dorm after practice, but instead I walked back with a teammate, so my screen time was down during that time.
I got back to my room around 6:30pm. At 6:45pm, I put on a YouTube video on my laptop while I was cooking dinner until around 7:15pm.
From 7:20pm until 8:20 pm, I watched Netflix on my laptop while I was eating dinner and packing for an away trip later in the week. Every night, I try to talk to my mom, but I had a super busy weekend and I didn’t get to talk to her much. Since we hadn’t really talked for a couple of days, we FaceTimed for over an hour and talked about school, softball, and my dogs.
From 10pm until 10:50pm I read for one of my media classes and did research for a group project for my business class. During this time, I took some social media breaks in between tasks just to give myself some time to do something mindless that doesn’t stress me out as much.

The next day started the same way. I woke up at 7:30 in the morning and went through all of my social media accounts to get caught up with everything.
After analyzing my screen time for a full 24 hours, it made me realize how often I look at a screen. I often don’t really think about looking at a screen during class because I feel more productive in class than in my room. While looking at my screen time on my phone for the day, I spent a total of 3 hours and 20 minutes on my phone. 2 hours and 11 minutes of that time was spent on social networking. Although my phone tracked my screen usage, I had to personally the time that I spent looking at my laptop and screens in class. The total amount of time that I spent on my laptop and screens in class ended up being 4 hours and 13 minutes. This means that the amount of time that I spent looking at screens just for that day ended up totaling 7 hours and 33 minutes.
Honestly, just looking at that amount of time seems crazy to me. I knew that I spent a lot of time looking at screens throughout the day, but definitely not 7 hours and 33 minutes’ worth. I already try to take breaks from screens throughout the week, but this has really made me think about how often I should take them.
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