Old vs. New Media – Blog #2

Another source of media that has changed throughout the years is the quality of television and the picture itself of the media we consume. My Aunt states, “TV was in black and white when I was younger. There was also no remote control to change the channels”. In correlation to the television we view today, the picture on the TV is crystal clear and the quality is phenomenal. Growing up I remember the picture on the television not being as clear as it is to the current day, but everything was in color. The privilege of having colored television screens is taken for granted because majority of my generation has never lived with anything other than that. My Aunt highlights the numerous changes within television because she states that she “loves television”! In correlation to the picture on TV’s she mentioned the difference of the quality of the movies she has consumed. She states, “the quality of the movies has changed. We never had HD, no streaming services either. Also, to adjust the picture we had rabbit ears”. Many of these qualities that are placed within today’s culture are often taken for granted.
Q: What are the most significant changes you can identify within the media today and the media when you were my age?

· Radio- “Walkman; portable radio used for listening to music or cassette tapes”
· Computers- “Growing up we didn’t have computers. I remember when computers first came about it was a BIG deal”
· “EVERYTHING has changed. Something as small as the color on the TV to the remote we use. We didn’t have anything like that when I was younger. Even when I went to my friend’s house, there was no cable- only channels 6, 8, and 12”

Q: How did you experience media when you were my age?
· “I used media for schoolwork, for current events (mainly newspaper)”.
· Household phone- “I used this to socialize with my close-knit friends. Paying the phone bill was always through the mail, I remember having to pick it up”.
· Overhead Projector- “I remember when we got these in school it was a BIG deal”.
· TV- “We occasionally watched TV in school, showing events that were happening”
In conclusion, there are many different aspects of “new” vs. “old” media and how they positively and negatively affect our daily life. Another major aspect the “new” media places on society, aside from the quality and accessibility of media, is the concept that almost everything is considered to be a form of “social media”. Fuchs (2017) states that, “all media and all software are social in the sense that they are products of social processes” (pg. 41). In comparison to the “old” media, it’s a tough pill to swallow when media is surrounding the world, we live in. Overall, my Aunt’s experience with media and media technologies is completely different than mine. As years go on, media will constantly evolve and change into something completely different than what it is today.
Fuchs, Christian. (2017). Social media; A critical introduction. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Keach, S. (2019, July 18). Gram slam Instagram down- app not working for second time in just 24 hours. Retrieved from https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/9535873/instagram-down-not-working-offline-app/.
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