As a college student in today's day and age, it's hard to remember when I didn't have a social media account. Although I've been lucky enough to grow up in a society where it's very easy to post whatever you want, I haven't always felt that way toward it. For example, when I was younger, I would post just about anything on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If I was going to the mall with my friends, I would post about it. I would post a picture on Instagram without overanalyzing it or worrying about how many likes I got on a picture. However, this changed when I was in high school. I would overthink everything I would post on Twitter, Instagram, etc. because of wanting to fit in with my friends. As with many others, overthinking and overanalyzing what I post on social media is when I begin to feel completely overwhelmed by it.
Since being in college, my feelings toward social media have gotten a lot better, but part of me still worries about what I post and how it makes me look to my followers. Today, I mainly use my social media accounts to keep up with my friends and stay up to date on trends and entertainment. I currently use Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, Snapchat, and YouTube. Even though I use all of these social media platforms, I don’t post a ton of stuff. Instead, I just watch/like what others are posting, so I often find myself getting lost in the pressure of needing to post something all the time.
To start off, the social media account that I don’t really use is Facebook. I’ve had a Facebook account since I was 11, so I’m sure if you scroll back far enough you can find stuff on my wall from middle school. Now, I never post anything on my Facebook account, and I don’t really check my feed unless someone tagged me in a post. In terms of the way I feel toward Facebook, I just don’t really feel a pressure or need to use it.
My most used social media platform is probably Instagram. I don’t really post on Instagram in the first place, but I like to keep up with my friends and family. Also, I like to keep up with celebrities, so I follow a lot of my favorite athletes and musicians.
In terms of my own account, I know that a popular trend on Instagram right now is having an “aesthetically pleasing” feed, but I could never do it just because I would probably forget what filter I used or the exact brightness I put on a photo. The way that my profile looks has never really been something that I’ve worried about, but I have caught myself thinking about how often I post pictures of myself or pictures with a friend or a teammate. For example, I wouldn’t post back to back pictures of just myself. My Instagram account differs from all of my other social media accounts because I feel like it only shows the highlights of my life or my “best self”.
Even though I don’t really post on Instagram, I’m very active on it. I send direct messages to my friends and family, like/comment on pictures, and watch stories. Although I actively use Instagram, sometimes I feel very overwhelmed when watching stories, especially if I haven’t checked the app in a couple of hours. I’m definitely one of those people who have to watch every story in order to just make them go away, so I often find myself not really “watching” them, but just tapping through them.

As for Snapchat, I really only use it to communicate with my friends. I only post on my Snapchat story when I see something funny or when my teammates are doing something ridiculous. However, I do have Snapchat streaks with a variety of friends, but half the time we don’t even say anything to each other. When it comes to watching stories, I feel the exact same way about them on Snapchat as I do with Instagram. I mainly just watch them to make them go away, but if one of my friends post something, I typically watch it or comment on it. Even with all of the “shows” that are offered on Snapchat now, I only watch Phone Swap, but even then, I don’t freak out when a new episode is released. It’s more of something that I watch when I literally have nothing else to do and I’m tired of scrolling through my most used social media apps.
Although I still have some anxiety towards posting on social media, I recently realized that as long as I post what I want and what I like, I shouldn’t worry about what my followers think of me or if they like what I’m posting. I learned to not be a perfectionist when it comes to posting whatever I want, which allows me to become more genuine and portray more of my “true” self online.